A Lesson Learned
        This pain in my stomach wont go away. I assume
        this is punishment from all the mistakes ive made.
        In a world where my actions speak louder than
        words. In a world where my actions speak louder
        than words I know more people than ever before.
        One lesson ive learned from it all. Fortune and
        fame are disgusted as your friend cuz im lonlier
        now than ive ever been.... and to everyone who
        takes the time read my lyrics I would to say that
        my life is seen through by my eyes only, but I
        open myself to you so that we can communicate
        on a level that only human beings like yourself can
        comprehend. We are a breed apart from the rest
        of the cold world. We get it. We are real. Your
        vision is all that matters. Let nothing get in your
        way. I hope that none of you experience certain
        things that I have, but at the same time I want
        everyone to experience life because that's all we
        get....i understand....express yourself through
        me....and drift away. Limp Bizkit is NOTHING